Saturday, 24 May 2014

On Redirecting Hatred

Didn't we once share some tacit understanding that the working class should look out for one another? Now those most willing to condemn the poor seem to be the poor themselves, eagerly heaping contempt on people within our own communities. Blame immigrants, blame benefit claimants or the unemployed, blame whatever fraction of the lower classes being grossly misrepresented in the Daily Mail this week, blame the moral failings of individuals rather than the failings of society itself. And reserve little hatred for the cunts at the top - the people evading billions of pounds of tax, the bankers who single-handedly arse fucked the economy, the MP's using the public's money to buy three piece fucking sofas. It is not a coincidence that all this negative coverage of benefit claimants coincides with the Tories slashing those benefits. This government wants to fuck you, and if you continue to direct your indignation at every scape goat it dreams up, then you're going to let it.

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